PLUSS Project

PLUSS Project

Welcome to the Parks Line Upgrade and Sorrento Station Project (“PLUSS Project” or “Project”) homepage. Here, you will find all the information you need to understand the proposed PLUSS Project. If you would like to speak to a Project representative directly, relevant contact information can be found on our Contact Us page.

Who is proposing the PLUSS Project?

Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC (“Gulf South”) is proposing the PLUSS Project. We are a natural gas pipeline and storage company operating in Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida. We have approximately 600 employees and have successfully operated gas pipelines throughout the Gulf Coast for nearly a century.

Gulf South is a subsidiary of Boardwalk Pipelines, LP.

Discover more about our company through the video and links below.

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What is the PLUSS Project?

The PLUSS Project is a pipeline replacement and compressor station construction project.

The Project includes:

  1. Replacing multiple segments (totaling approximately 4.5 miles) of Gulf South’s existing 30-inch diameter pipeline, referred to as the Parks Line or Index 330, in St. Martin Parish, Louisiana.
  2. The construction of a new compressor station, to be referred to as the Sorrento Compressor Station, in Ascension Parish, Louisiana.

Click image for a larger view


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When will the PLUSS Project occur?

The PLUSS Project process will take roughly 4 years from start to finish. We began stakeholder engagement and project planning activities in August 2024 and anticipate being in-service by February 2028, provided we receive all required regulatory approvals.

Visit our Timeline and Updates page for current progress and status updates. Below is a general estimated project timeline for your reference.


Task Timeline
Stakeholder Engagement Q3 2024 – Throughout the Project
Research, Engineering & Design Q3 - Q4 2024
Environmental Permitting Q1 2025 – Q4 2026
Construction Q1 2027 – Q1 2028
In-service Q1 2028


*All timelines are subject to regulatory approvals.

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Where will the PLUSS Project be?

The pipeline replacement portion of the PLUSS Project will take place in St. Marin Paish, LA and the compressor station construction will be in Ascension Parish / the Sorrento, LA area

An interactive project map is provided below for more detail.

View Interactive Map

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Why is Gulf South proposing the PLUSS Project?

Gulf South is proposing the PLUSS project to enhance the safety, reliability, and efficiency of natural gas transportation while meeting the region’s growing energy demands. By upgrading our infrastructure with reliable technologies, the PLUSS project will help ensure a stable energy supply with minimal disruptions. We are committed to maintaining environmental and community standards, complying with regulations and working closely with local communities throughout the Project to provide transparent updates on our progress and address any questions.

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Will the PLUSS Project affect me?

St Martin Parish, LA Residents Click image for a larger view
Ascension Parish, LA Residents Click image for a larger view

Project Safety

Our commitment to safety, reliability, and environmental stewardship drives every stage of our projects, from planning to operation. We work diligently to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations while maintaining strong relationships with the communities we serve. View our facility information on our Project Safety page, as well as Boardwalk’s overarching safety initiatives linked below.


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Latest project progress update

PLUSS project FERC filing access & participation

Gulf South is regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”). On January 28, 2025 Gulf South filed an application with the FERC requesting authorization to place the proposed PLUSS facilities in service. The FERC will issue notice to the applicable PLUSS Project stakeholders, solicit feedback and allow for public comment.

Below is the FERC docket information, as well as applicable library locations where you can obtain a copy of the application and newspaper articles where the project was publicized.

For detailed information about the FERC application process and how to get involved, visit our Environmental Compliance and Public Participation pages